CEMLink6 Latest Update: Version 6.2.500.2 Now Available

We are excited to announce that Version 6.2.500.2 of CEMLink6 has just been released. The update is ready for download for all users with an active maintenance contract, ensuring your system operates with the latest features and improvements.

If you’re looking to upgrade your CEMLink6 system to the newest version, or if you require more detailed information about what this update includes, we encourage you to reach out to VIM Support at 410-859-5455. Our dedicated team is ready to assist with your update process, ensuring a smooth and efficient transition to Version 6.2.500.2.

All DAHS server and client computers must run on Microsoft .NET 4.8. If your server or client computers were set up before September 2019, or if you have disabled Windows updates, you’ll likely need to install this update. Comprehensive information, including guidance on checking your version of .NET, accessing updates, and the timeline for completion, can be found here.

For further details about our maintenance and support services, or if you have any questions regarding the upgrade process, please contact Eva Fewster at 410-859-5455 or via email at eva.fewster@vimtechnologies.com. Our team is here to support you every step of the way, ensuring that your experience with CEMLink6 remains seamless and effective.