Looking Forward to 2023


With another successful year in the rearview mirror, we look forward to 2023 as we expand our offerings to industry in response to growing demand for enhanced compliance strategies.

In 2023 we will grow our Digital Transformation for Compliance programs, partnering with strategic end-users looking to revamp their compliance vision.  Interested end-users can learn more with our upcoming webinar series.  To support this effort end-users can use our Digital Transformation Assessment Services to start on this journey through a step-by-step approach to assess their current programs and build a strategy for revamping their compliance programs systematically.

For our power partners, in preparation for the new ECMPS 2.0 (EPA) reporting requirements taking effect in 2024, VIM will be offering updates to existing and new users of CEMLink 6 to address the new JSON reporting format.  We have already reached out to all our affected partners, and will keep you up-to-date as the year progresses.

As always, we will continue to expand the capabilities of CEMLink 6, working with our industry partners to identify new requirements and desired features.  End-users can contact our steering committee at steeringcommittee@vimtechnologies.com to make your individual requests known.

To all of our compliance partners, we wish you all a great 2023, and encourage you to reach out to us for all your compliance needs.